@hamzahamidi - could you please review this issue and provide your inputs?
@AyoCodess may be because you are not dealing with a one-dimensional array, but multi-dimension. ``` customdata: [ d.x.map((x) => { const years = Math.floor(x); const months = Math.floor(12 * (x...
Suggestion: It would be good to have a section in the README for this hook, with a few working codepen examples.
``` const setupMailBox = function () { var MailListener = require('mail-listener2'); var mailListener = new MailListener({ username: 'your_outlook_id', password: 'your_password', host: 'outlook.office365.com', port: 993, tls: true, tlsOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: false...
@azamonsky-Altimetrik It would be helpful if you could provide angular and node versions of your application.
@lichtin 0.6.0 was released to support Angular 9 upgrade if you are still using Angular 6/7, then it would be better to stay at version 0.5.0. And yes, the 'peerDependencies'...