Dima Utkin

Results 7 issues of Dima Utkin

Thanks for your great work! 👍 It's be great to see subscriptions support in the future since they're supported all over the major GQL-as-a-service backends these days and it's the...


It would be really great to sync a redux-like compound stores. What I mean is syncing more than a single document which is directly mapped to the db row or...

I've working on an offline-first app and it would be useful to have this kind of sync tool that would bring the state of multiple client, some of which might...

Hi again :) Looking at [this image](https://github.com/projectstorm/react-diagrams/blob/master/demo2.png) I had a feeling that group nodes are supported like a droppable target for some types of nodes. But it's clearly not the...

feature request
help wanted

First of all, let me thank you for this cool library :) Now, I'm really considering using Redis Enterprise as a primary DB in the future projects! So, my question...


Digging into it revealed that localStorage in IE seems to be absolutely broken by design. http://kntajus.blogspot.com/2014/08/local-storage-fundamentally-broken-in.html https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/811546/ie11-localstorage-events-fire-twice-or-not-at-all-in-iframes Even better! https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/812563/ie-11-local-storage-synchronization-issues Rising the PING_TIMEOUT or even all the timeouts didn't work....

Thanks for your work! Looks very promising :) I'm talking about things like reduce -> foldl, every -> all, includes -> elem, etc.