
Results 18 comments of @gotbletu

yea im aware of those standard navigation keys just thought it be nice, not having to use home,end, arrow keys...etc to jump between characters. well just thought i ask to...

my home and end is already rebind to g and G for vim style, but those dont work in text box fields; readline hotkeys are usually standard in terminal programs...

I'll add it to the queue Thanks =)

that seems simple to add, can you paste a sample list of those games, like 10-20 for each differences

yea thats fine, filename is all i need

Thanks, thats alot of weird patterns these groups be naming files =)

yea looks simple enough, ill do when i got time

I never ran across any iso images that has **Disc 1** in its filename; but i add it back in just in case you do. Havent use EmulationStation in a...

yours is more efficient for sure, but the different variable names helps me remember what it is for, if i forget about later on =) ; I'll keep it as...

yes but the new site doesn't have my videos on it lols