
Results 3 comments of got2ski

Was able to force responses for the pie chart in the SPSurveyService.ts getResults() method. The "display: this.state.viewResults" remains **false** within render() even after "this.setState({ viewResults: true" setting in viewResults(elm?: any)...

This worked for me. public postVote(surveyListId: string, question: string, choice: string): Promise { var _this = this; return this.**getItemTypeForListName**(surveyListId).then((**typeListName**: string) => { var restUrl: string = this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl; restUrl += "/_api/Web/Lists(guid'";...

This worked for me. In config.json have externals point to recent libraries in node_modules. Set a global dependency for chartjs-plugin-labels on chart.js with a shared global name. The charts.js has...