
Results 39 comments of gosuto.eth


I think the biggest hurdle for cmc to integrate this is that there are several coins with the same symbol. `id` is always unique whereas `symbol` is not.

It depends on what kind of terms you are trading maybe. If your goal is a long term portfolio of maybe five years and you rebalance maybe every quarter, then...

Thanks for this quick fix. I ran into this because even though I had set `"hideMissingCoins": true`, it still displayed all these 'empty' coins from Binance. Edit: This is not...

Yes, but I don't think it should be an exchange specific fix. It's OK to parse these empty bags (for example so that you at least know what coins are...

Yes this is a logical next step! And perfect solution to this issue. Right now the only strategy known is to allocate based on market cap. Of course it will...

@createthis [BTCDIV](https://btcdiv.com/) let's you scan your bitcoin address for these forks. Also don't forget to check your airdropped tokens on [Ethplorer](https://ethplorer.io/)!

And yes I think #36 is exactly what is requested here @barryvdh, thanks! I guess a next step that could be taken is to also scan the Ethereum addresses for...

Hey guys, can I ask what the progress is on this? I having written a working iterator which gets through all of @Pimpwhippa's tests I could find (https://github.com/Pimpwhippa/scikit-learn/blob/afd31b1a337d3c6d02491fd6bff67b51b1a05e91/sklearn/model_selection/tests/test_split.py). It would...

Ah it moved! Thanks for the #, that code looks great! Do you think it'll make `0.24`?