Federico Ramirez

Results 29 comments of Federico Ramirez

Variables are tough, as they can be redefined, but for types, it's already implemented in the symbol explorer. I'll add it to the `go to definition` functionality 👍

Yeah that would be nice. I'll also add them to the symbol explorer.

Yeah that's a bummer. Feel free to make a plugin for your favourite editor and I will display a link in this project `README`.

Just because it's a function call, and all function calls must have parens. In PHP `echo` is a keyword, which basically means it's embedded into the language as a special...

Yeah, it is different from PHP, it's not a 1-to-1 translation, like CoffeeScript is to Javascript. As for `cson`, nah it's quite a dummy JSON parser. You can see the...

Blueberry is _inspired_ by CoffeeScript, not an alternative implementation. I get your point though, implicit return is a nice feature to have, I wouldn't mind if someone made a PR...

How did you install it? Try doing `npm install -g blueberry`.

Seems like a path issue. Maybe try this: ``` git clone [email protected]:gosukiwi/Blueberry.git cd Blueberry npm link bb help ``` `npm link` should make a symlink to that folder's executable. I...

Namespaces are great, I think we should avoid the `\` and go for something simpler, like `Foo:Bar:Baz` and just compile them to PHP `use` clauses. I think I was still...

Yeah, the proposed `array()` change was just to modernize everything a bit, but it really doesn't hurt at all to keep it as it is. About the use clause, I...