Thomas Gossmann
Thomas Gossmann
Hey, I needed a good codegen lib with traits and interface support. Your codegen lib was the best I found, though missing what I needed. I baked it in. All...
At the moment, all locally found packages are symlinked instead of being installed from composer. This might not be ideal, e.g. stable packages (which exists as dev versions locally) shouldn't...
When a package requires a custom installer, sth like this: ``` "require" : { "php" : ">=5.4", "keeko/composer-installer" : "*" } ``` This custom installer will be installed during the...
The current spec draft defines QNAME for the following: - STRUCT: namespace + config.namespacedelimiter + name - FUNCTION: namespace + '#' + name - METHOD: namespace + config.namespacedelimiter +
Add the final modifier similar to abstract or static.
In my current use case, I have this (simplified) class hierarchy: `List extends Control extends Widget` and List also mixes in two Traits. The constructor of all these is identical...
Summary is a better word over intro here.
@rafalwrzeszcz commented on my commit: because I think only me gets notified, I don't want it to get burried down. Because all doctools I used so far use the...
Which process to use for standardization? Is there a organization that will host the specification? I'm new to this, any suggestions here are welcome.
Provide an error console, which shows the file, the line number and the error message. On clicking it, opens the associated editor (and highlights the affected line?). - Create an...