I notice that the area function loses the formatting created previously and just displays raw numbers. Is there a way to get more formatting or to retain formatting when using...
I have changed the position of facet strips and axis in ggplot but those changes are not translated by ggplotly. Example code: ``` dia = ggplot(diamonds[diamonds$cut %in% c("Fair", "Good"),], aes(x...
How to get a player's characteristics like height (by season), weight (by season), combine results, etc. using this package? Is this functionality provided by the package?
It appears that the hour to [tod mapping](https://github.com/psrc/soundcast/blob/35faa3ea606f22e30a40256ef585d555a2de45d2/scripts/summarize/standard/validation.py#L67#L91) for value 20 is incorrect. Currently it is set to '18to20' but should be associated with '20to5' based on other values in...