Deeksha Goplani
Deeksha Goplani
Hi @pavelkumbrasev, Thank you for providing your inputs. Your understanding is right. **Let me give more details with the below example:** I am dividing my dataset into multiple blocks/chunks where...
Hi @dnmokhov 1. I am launching numjobs threads in each outerLoopTask using tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range(0, numjobs), innerLoopTask); Is this correct? Any reason you have mentioned using std::thread above? Hi @pavelkumbrasev @dnmokhov 2....
Hi @dnmokhov, Thank you for your inputs. Sorry for the late reply, I was on leave. 1. I debugged further using the above pointers and see that my inner loop...
@stevengj Any update on this? Can you please share your email id, would like to discuss few doubts. Your help is highly appreciated.
I am just using -m tbb. Not using --ipc.