Will there be an official release from with a fix for this android-12 issue?
I am also facing the same issue. And this issue occurs in android API 27 because the ResourceAuthenticator's checkValid uses DigestUtils.sha256Hex(...) and this is not available in API 27's commons...
This piece of code is used inside moquette's ResourceAuthenticator. And internally this invokes Hex.encodeHexString which is not available in android api 27's runtime. Even if we use higher version of...
what version of android are you using?
@icraggs Thanks for your reply, chances of mosquitto server closing the connection is very slim. But anyway i will try to check the mosquitto logs and also will update the...
@icraggs with keepalive set to 30 seconds i am no longer facing connection error issue. So for now i will live with this and later will update dependencies to the...