I second the issue, but also want to thank you for an amazing bundle of software. I'm not familiar enough with Android development to be of any help, but would...
So I've been looking into this. I forked the repo and have been reading up on Doze, JobScheduler, etc. And I wanted to run some thoughts by you: Instead of...
@schollz Cool. I'd be happy to help. I'm not very adept at Android either, and I'm still bringing myself up to speed on everything. I expect the coding to take...
Old thread here, but in case anyone else comes across it, I experienced the same problem when trying to use node-rtsp-recorder in conjunction with several Wyze Cam (v2) units running...
I'm seeing this issue as well.
@PrasanthChowhan I had the same issue. Installing the requirements from this repository (`pip install -r requirements.txt`) fixed the issue for me, which I think was being caused by the version...
Not connected to VPN. Re-requested link, but second link didn't work, either. 403s for every request. Tried on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu on WSL.
@chrismarra I too still have the 403 issue, despite a fresh local directory and a fresh+correct download hyperlink. Tried on two systems (Ubuntu 20.04 on both). Starlink is my ISP,...
> It's worth mentioning you need to read the question it asks. > > It says > > ``` > Enter the URL from email: > ``` > > If...