Xuefeng Bai
Xuefeng Bai
Hi, Thanks for your awesome job. Will you share the part of the code for Reddit data preprocessing? Looking forward to your reply.
Hi, I often ran into the following error when starting a multi-GPU training. ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 116, in main(opt) File "train.py", line 44, in...
Hi, I am trying to reproduce the results of the baseline NMT system in your paper, however, I found the examples given in [Readme](https://github.com/Amazing-J/structural-transformer#baseline-input) and that in [corpus_example](https://github.com/Amazing-J/structural-transformer/blob/master/corpus_sample/baseline_corpus/train_source_bpe) are not...
Hi, Thanks for your great work, are there any plans to support models like GPT-NEO and GPT-NEOX?