
Results 3 issues of gongyu0829

Hello author, When I downloaded the dataset, I found that the training set has more than 100 subfiles. Does this mean that the dataset is over 100GB.? Can I download...

谢谢作者们详实的工作。请问我想像文章中那样提取并可视化posec3d中的热力图,该以何种方式实现呢。tensor或image的形式都可以。 Thanks to the authors for their detailed work. I would like to extract and visualize the heatmap in posec3d like in the article, how can I do it, either...

您好作者,看见您实验了了ST-GCN 2s-AGCN MS-G3D三个backbone,请问如果我想实验自己的backbone,该在项目的何部分进行改动呢。我的backbone类似于CTR-GCN,其由2s-AGCN改版而来