### All of the following criteria must be met - [X] All Requirements must be installed. - [X] Full ``Latest.log`` file included. If no file exists then leave this unchecked...
### All of the following criteria must be met - [X] All Requirements must be installed. - [X] Full ``Latest.log`` file included. If no file exists then leave this unchecked...
Hello whoever is reading this, long story short I no longer have access to my previous github account so I've been forced to setup a new github account and copy...
The repo has moved to `https://github.com/gompoc/VRChatMods/tree/master/ActionMenuApi` (got locked out of this one) so all issues and anyone planning on making a pr or anything should go there
From support channel in discord: Game: Angry Birds Epic Log: ``` ===Cpp2IL by Samboy063=== A Tool to Reverse Unity's "il2cpp" Build Process. Version 2022.1.0-pre-release.17+fa86c0910de2e852a320bbc6b897293ced9ff3f2 [Info] [Program] Running on Win32NT [Info]...