Péter Gömöri

Results 43 issues of Péter Gömöri

Before this change all my failed test cases had a location similar to the below which is not too helpful. ``` %% eunit_proc.erl:561:in `eunit_proc:run_group/2` ```

Before it resulted in ``` {{case_clause,true}, [{eunit_progress,format_assertion_failure,3, [{file,"/Users/ext.pgomori/git/eunit_formatters/src/eunit_progress.erl"}, {line,355}]}, ... ```

gradualizing module `m2` results in a crash (The issue is with type `rec_t/0` which is a union of record type `rec` from the local module and a remote type which...

good first issue

Sorry if this is a known limitation or duplicate The below code ``` -record(rec, {f1 :: boolean(), f2 :: a | b}). -spec f(#rec{}) -> boolean(). f(R) -> case R...


(this ticket was split from https://github.com/josefs/Gradualizer/issues/23 which also contain some of the early comments) let's see the following correct function with spec ```erlang -spec f(atom() | integer()) -> true |...


let's see the following correct function with spec ```erlang -spec f(atom() | integer()) -> true | integer(). f(AI) -> is_atom(AI) %% Expr1 orelse AI + 1. %% Expr2 ``` -...


(thanks for @tim2CF for reporting this issue. This is a very common problem in Elixir where using any protocol generates code that is affected) example: ``` -spec num(1) -> one;...

Currently Elixist struct are handled as ordinary maps and they are only checked against the expected map type. However in Elixir they are quite similar to Erlang records with a...


Currently type checking the following snippet (simplified version of `lists:droplast/1`) ``` -spec droplast(nonempty_list(T)) -> list(T). droplast([_T]) -> []; droplast([H|T]) -> [H|droplast(T)]. ``` fails with ``` The variable 'T' has type...

@zuiderkwast wrote: What are the subtyping rules for intersection types? Do we need a rule for merging clauses, such as this? ``` A|C :: E B|D :: F --- fun((A)...
