Suppose there is a file of 100 mb, we are using headless system using api plateform, we can not use inject on load because json size will become too big,...
I think provider does not matter in this case.. my point is when using api, we can not inject whole file ( because of size ), we should only inject...
Ya it's working..we need to add corresponding services like inject on load
I am already using it in my project.. it was just suggestion for additional feature.. Because api demand is rising day by day..I can create PR if you are willing...
Exception should occur, issue is when we have exceptions in thousands ( when importing millions row ) Memory out will work because all thousands exception messages will be there in...
use ``` $client = new PrivateApi(array( 'api_version' => '2020-01/', 'api_key' => 'SHOPIFY_USERNAME', 'password' => 'SHOPIFY_PASSOWORD', 'shared_secret' => '', 'myshopify_domain' => 'SHOPFIY_STORENAME' )); ``` see slash ... there is bug in...
I am using it in all my projects.. awesome work.. Thanks
Only other order processor setting original price on order items is sylius's core order processor which this plugin is decorating due to which original price are never set
facing the same issue with one printer, working fine with other printer
@ElectricMaxxx thanks for replying Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed, PHP version 7.1.9 Symfony 3.3.5 in vendor/symfony-cmf/seo-bundle/src/Cache/ExtractorCollection.php (line 88) SplObjectStorage->serialize() serialize(array(array(object(TitleExtractor), object(DescriptionExtractor), object(ExtrasExtractor), object(KeywordsExtractor), object(OriginalUrlExtractor), object(OriginalRouteExtractor)), '/home/*****/sylius/src/Gomco/OfferBundle/Entity/ProductVariant.php', 1504846997)) in vendor/symfony-cmf/seo-bundle/src/Cache/ExtractorCollection.php...