Aleksandar Golubović

Results 14 comments of Aleksandar Golubović

Enabled by default seems like an good option for me. I throws a panic, so recover will be enough to try again. You can maybe set a default flag to...

Gocv version 0.31.0 relays on OpenCV version 4.6.0 Please, use make to compile opencv. Just clone gocv repo, and run make on root dir of cloned repository. Read install instructions...

I think that opencv is not built with gstreamer inside appveyor. It uses `appveyor.yml` which calls `appveyor_build_opencv.cmd` for compiling opencv, and there is nothing about gstreamer.

`Mat.Close()` is a function, is `defer m.Close` just typo, or you are using it like that?

Try to remove `C:\opencv\build\bin` from PATH and leave just `C:\opencv\build\install\x64\mingw\bin`. Or just swap them to `mingw/bin` be in front of the other.

I am just curious why nobody checks for an error returned by IMEncode. Always check for errors,never ignore. And conversion is done by the ffmpeg, thats why h264 errors.

Ok, first of all, there is no need to use two `Mat`s because when passed to IMEncode, new Mat is created. We are not passing pointer to this Mat, and...

@urjitbhatia using `WaitKey` has no impact at framerate if it is lover that waitkey. It has when waitkey is higher than actual framerate. But I agree with corrupted stream. Also,...

@magallardo did you try with local file as I mention? I tried several IP cameras,multiple local fils, at multiple dfferent OS-es and didnt get a single error you're mentioned.

Open stream in vlc on ios using http://url/live