yes you need to change in pins btt_skr_common.h #ifndef TEMP_0_PIN #define TEMP_0_PIN ---> P0_24_A1 // A1 (T1) - (68) - TEMP_0_PIN but i have never found a pin layout for...
I will test it in 1 week and while Update what work :-) thanks men
Can you upload a picture what pin this is ?
> hi in my eyes its better to split the config in seperated parts like kinematics and heater.
me too to have on my touch panel a webcam button or menu point that i can see my webcams for my printer i have two cams one nozzle one...
@jiimint for me i have to change also the #!/bin/bash to #!/bin/sh i make a pull request to the changes.
> Fresh install raspberry pi OS not including bash right now? i'm not don't know why you ask this but i'm not a programmer, but if you wish the files...
> @goldjunge91 Thanks for your quick replay. Have a nice day. lucky that i got annoyed from my raspberry pi' :D its a pain to get home assisstant working with,...
i change my fork the files back to bash. and its working.
autodesk dekstop connector you can drag and drop everything