Jin Kim
Jin Kim
- [ ] reload function - [ ] auto reload
- [ ] Add result window (message window) - [ ] Add push command - [ ] Check loading indicator - [ ] Choose from:to branch
For commit and fixing conflict
How to handle conflict?
For git model
Now, users can move with arrow keys and edit text anywhere on a cursor. And it works well with multi-byte characters but there is a little bug. And actually It...
For Android, it's useful and steps are like; 1. Add a hash on window.location after App.load with data-page name. 2. When an 'hashchange' event is fired, call App.back. Then, Android...
The CHUNK_SIZE needs to change by different use cases. So, I added `DOCUMENT_CHUNK_SIZE` environment variable to change CHUNK_SIZE.
I add an option `LLAMA_INDEX_AUTO_SAVE` as an environment variable to save Llama index automatically. If the below option is set, the datastore save index automatically when index is added or...