Hai jackpaster, When user selects a package, that package info will be returned through their completion handler. From where we can maintain a reference of selected package's price and other...
@jackpaster i have update the code, now boost button completion handler will return 3 parameters. 1. button title -> String 2. isOptionSelected -> Bool 3. selectedOption -> GLInAppAction
@jackpaster have you checked it?
Sry, Clone or download the code and check it now. pls.
@jackpaster Have you checked the update..? Shall we close this issue.
Hi, thanx for ur suggestion. I'll try to make those changes but don't know how long it'll take, busy with some other work :(
Hi There, Now it has been updated to Xcode10 & Swift 4.2, Due to [this issue](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52992637/pod-spec-lint-or-pod-lib-lint-fails-while-updating-cocoapods-library) unable to update pod file. For now drag and drop files instead of pod...
Hi @deepindo Have you checked with the latest version of out library..? I believe it has been fixed in **rsimenok** PR . Please refer bug #6 for more info.
Hi there, i'm trying to fix those issues and push it trunk. But unfortunately getting some issues while pushing, [This](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52992637/pod-spec-lint-or-pod-lib-lint-fails-while-updating-cocoapods-library) is the problem. So for now instead of pod you...
Now it has been updated to Swift 4.2 & Xcode 10, **NOTE:** Still pod file not updated.