Gökhan Öner

Results 11 issues of Gökhan Öner

# Pull Request Checklist * [x] Have you read [How to write the perfect pull request](https://github.com/blog/1943-how-to-write-the-perfect-pull-request)? * [x] Have you read through the [contributor guidelines](https://www.playframework.com/contributing)? * [x] Have you signed...

Play Version: 2.8.8 API: Java Due to Caffeine based cache impl doesn't have a dedicated SyncCache implementation & uses DefaultSyncCache over async cache, see [here](https://github.com/playframework/playframework/blob/master/cache/play-caffeine-cache/src/main/scala/play/api/cache/caffeine/CaffeineCacheApi.scala#L155) , it loses thread locals,...

help wanted

tested with 0.97.0 When used with Redisson 3.10+ client, all operations reported as EVAL. when using `opentracing-redis-redisson` library, operations are clear + there's metadata attached, cache name & key name...

It'd be nice to auto-register errorview & acces-denied-views using spring/spring-boot based configuration. Maybe needed new annotations like `@ErrorView`, or with specific bean names.

When using new navigation mechanism, in order to set just AccessDeniedView, we need SpringViewProvider bean, which is already available inside SpringNavigator bean. Setting AccessDeniedView through SpringNavigator will make more sense...

Looking to the demo, https://demo.vaadin.com/valo-theme, and see that styles etc. are same. It would be good to have the SideBar fully responsive; when its small enough, menu will removed from...


Plugin version 0.6 After running `gradle stage/dist`, I can see that 2 jar files created under `build/libs` folder, one for jar/scala classes, and one for assets, the `public` folder. These...

Using Gradle 5.5.1, Play 2.6 & play-plugin 0.6 I have a project with other play project dependencies & they had their own `reference.conf`. I also have `reference.conf` and `application.conf` files....

Gradle 5.5.1, Play 2.6, Play-Gradle Plugin 0.6 Build creates `-assets.jar` files for each sub projects, although these files just contains an empty jar manifest. Is it possible to change this...

In my project, some dependencies are also contains logback.xml file. When starting app in dev mode, gradle look for logback-test.xml & logback.groovy files & then discover one of the logback...