
Results 10 issues of gojuukaze

Clipto-pro and Clip Stack uses adb command to access clipboard on Android 10. I suggest you also try this. More info: [https://github.com/clipto-pro/Android/issues/11](https://github.com/clipto-pro/Android/issues/11)

If you're working with months and selecting a day is not make sense. It would be great to have something like this -> https://flatpickr.js.org/plugins/#monthselectplugin

When lazyLoad sets the number, the next and previous slides are loaded. But in most cases, we don't need to load the previous one. Therefore it is necessary to support...

闲鱼,com.taobao.idlefish,4.1.2 。 进入app点击我要租房后,原本显示地图那里提示需要开启定位权限,两种模式单独开启,同时开启都试过。

我的日志是当天的没有日期,如:access.log,第二天把前一天的日志加上日期重命名access.log-2016-10-13,然后新建一个新的access.log。 这样要实时收集access.log可以直接用你的代码吗?不行的话需要在代码中改动哪些地方?

`you-get https://www.ixigua.com/i6631065141750268420 --debug` output: ``` you-get: version 0.4.1488, a tiny downloader that scrapes the web. you-get: Namespace(URL=['https://www.ixigua.com/6851090298882392584'], auto_rename=False, cookies=None, debug=True, extractor_proxy=None, force=False, format=None, help=False, http_proxy=None, info=False, input_file=None, insecure=False, itag=None, json=False,...