Gottfried Haider

Results 31 issues of Gottfried Haider

Out of the P3D examples, fifteen currently fail with the open source Mesa driver for the Raspberry Pi. The output (with Mesa debugging enabled) is always similar to this: ````...

help wanted

When running the Darknet image classifier with the latest published version of ml5.js, I am always getting "nematode" as the label with the highest confidence, regardless of input image. I've...


When feeding the MobileNet image classifier (in a current ml5) a 224x224 image of an English Springer dog from the ImageNet dataset, it recognizes it first as a Saint Bernard...


Running a sound classifier against a model on Teachable Machine gives me the following error message on a MacBook Air with a current version of Chrome: ``` Mismatch in sampling...


Running this command on the provided example file currently fails with an error from `md2gslides --title "Example" --use-fileio` Details: `Unable to generate slides: StatusCodeError: 429 - "{\"success\":false,\"status\":429,\"code\":\"TOO_MANY_REQUESTS\",\"message\":\"Too many...

Hacking on the reference for processing-io I ran into two things that I couldn't get to work - and I think which might be limitations of the script that cranks...


Hacking on the reference for processing-io I ran into two things that I couldn't get to work - and I think which might be limitations of the script that cranks...


The ACME v2 API has a new rate limit of 300 new orders per account per 3 hours, which easily results in the "too many new orders recently" error for...

We have updated to current head (9d43c23af16203b5f94b270fde4b33a77b9cabde), plus a couple of patches, for our production servers, but had to revert after a bit more than two weeks, because certificates for...

I recently decided to restart `nginx` after some configuration changes, using `sudo systemctl restart nginx`. Afterwards I saw renewal requests failing like so ``` 2018/04/09 20:50:45 [error] 12017#12017: *103 [lua]...