
Results 7 issues of Gautier

Like humidity sensor for "shower time" could you add door sensor to keep light on when door sensor state is close and turn off when door is open ? My...


How can I get the right path of the picture ? Actually the path like this : /data/user/0/my.project.package/cache/1a00887e-c87e-498b-9f61-66dfb27ce66b.jpg But I want a path like : /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/myfile.jpg


Hello, is it possible to use the library StickyListHeader ( in your library? I managed to use it correctly, but the headers do not stay below the ViewPager Do you...

Merci pour ton intégration, J'essaie d'utiliser un esp32 + le module GCE Teleinfo : Je semble bien capter le TIC mais j'ai ca dans les logs : ``` [W][Buffer:057]:...

I've fixed Rotational issue #7, updated libraries and fixed some WindowLeaked errors due to screen rotation.

Hi, thanks for your project :) i'v an issue, logs are : ``` 2020-03-11 17:01:06.524916 WARNING home_presence_app: ------------------------------------------------------------ 2020-03-11 17:01:06.525609 WARNING home_presence_app: Unexpected error in worker for App home_presence_app: 2020-03-11...

Salut, merci pour ton intégration. Mon école (privée) utilise une surcouche de pronote : hyperplanning. Je peux générer un QRCode, voici le stacktrace lors d'un login via QRCode (l'erreur via...