
Results 69 issues of gogo2464

I know from the readme it is not a priority. But me I am looking for a good remote debugger for gameboy color. I did not find any on the...

## Description *Please describe what are you missing or wanting to be improved* In his current state radare2 allow any contributor to submit plugins. This is great. Everybody in the...

**Describe the issue** the link to the miror here dead link at https://radare.gitbooks.io/radare2book/content/crackmes/ioli/intro.html is dead. **How to reproduce?** Check the link. **Expected behavior** **Possible fix** Give a real link. **Screenshots**...

The frequency analysis values are currently hardcoded in cryptanalib/frequency.py. I think if we use nltk instead of hardcoding, we will: -gain in code lisibility -be able to get frequency for...

This PR does not do nothing interesting for the moment. It is just to show. Next I will implement the run: [see](https://github.com/Rair-Project/rair-core/compare/master...gogo2464:gogo/2_Add-command-for-loading-script-files?expand=1#diff-df186358b1dffce0133defc6b9ef7019R35). I should have done: `core.add_command("executeScript", "es", Arc::new(Mutex::new(ExecuteScript:new())));` instead....

- [ ] Mark this if you consider it ready to merge - [ ] I've added tests (optional) - [ ] I wrote some lines in the [book](https://github.com/radareorg/radare2book) (optional)...

Hello. I am doing a cryptology library. I need to detect if the text is english or not. Could you allow confidence value for a single language please?

Emulicious already uses DAP protocol to allow remote debugging. Remote debugging is useful for vulnerability research. I plan to allow radare2 to connect to this feature: https://github.com/radareorg/radare2/issues/12128

Pipe() could be replaced by os.pipe and Minilogger could be repalced by print or another built in function. This code is useless.

The link to https://bitbucket.org/adanscotney/gameboy-spoof/src/5f62f48b65c56db4bb6e19e7e532f4ef55b3ccce/ in the reference of the gameboy spoof on the readme is dead. It should be replaced.