
Results 5 comments of Goestav

Something is wrong with the values of the **NetflixId** and **SecureNetflixId** cookies. Just changed them to the cookie values I get from opening in a new tab and I got...

Just found out the Multi-Account Containers extension was causing the problem :/ Enabling the cookie permissions option didn't change anything for me, but opening the extension page in the same...

@alexanderadam, is the traktflix logo not showing up for you? It only pops up when you're on [Netflix](https://www.netflix.com). It should show in the address bar ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/27970303/98244843-f6f0c980-1f67-11eb-9795-e0e14d735ab3.png)

Open the extension page (`moz-extension://` url) in the same container by default if you always use the same one. The options button goes to a blank page for some reason...

There is a scrollbar, it's just hidden by default unless I scroll for me 🙂