Daniel Goertzen

Results 25 issues of Daniel Goertzen

It appears libusb-rs does not support the libusb async API. Any plans or thoughts on this? I've used the async API from C++ before and am considering doing it from...

Review `const`ness of the container `make()` functions because the underlying make functions (ie `enif_make_binary`) are non-const. I recently had problems trying to `make()` a `std::array`.

nifpp::get should accept an rvalue tuple consisting of lvalue references. Currently only lvalue tuples are accepted. We want the following to work: int a,b; nifpp::get_throws(env, term, std::tie(a,b)); // crack {123,...


I've been churning through many ideas on my Ruster project lately, and one that worked out really well and I think would be useful for Rustler is ["Any Trait Object...

I have an app that depends on cowboy-2.2.2, but also depends directly on ranch because I need to do some custom SSL handling for my cowboy server. I *don't* specify...

Enhancement request: Add syntax highlighting to distinguish exported function definitions from non-exported function definitions. I am reading somebody else's code through erlide right now and I find myself always scrolling...


The `Encoder`s should have `impl Drop` that finishes the compressed stream upon `drop()`. [`BufWriter`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/struct.BufWriter.html) does something similar (flushes its buffer upon `drop()`). My use case is `Write` trait objects. Consider...

I wanted to see how far I could get with this, and I managed to steamroll through the whole thing without getting stuck. It passes existing tests, but still needs...

The recently added function `enif_make_map_from_arrays` does not appear in the [documentation](https://docs.rs/erlang_nif-sys/0.6.4/erlang_nif_sys/).

Optional pointer parameters should be wrapped with `Option`. This is an API breaking change, so disposition is to wait until there are additional reasons to break the API before making...