
Results 22 issues of godylockz

LFI Add List https://github.com/1N3/IntruderPayloads/blob/master/FuzzLists/lfi.txt Noticed none of the LFI lists in SecLists have nginx paths. Found this list, thought it might be useful for merge of missing.

help wanted

Not exactly sure what is going on here, but seems like the `replay-proxy` hangs if the method is `POST` as it works fine with `GET` HTB Box: CrossfitTwo Requires `crossfit-club.htb`...


Add automated windows heuristic detection for case sensitivity. When scanning windows targets Index.html and index.html will lead to the same result as it is case insensitive. Detecting this you can...


# Issue Feature Request - Python Werkzeug Module/Parser being added to hashcat for the hash format: `method$salt$hash` # Background Werkzeug is a comprehensive [WSGI](https://wsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) web application library. It began as...

new algorithm

I don't think there currently is a way to change the default nmap verbosity level from -vvv to less (i.e. -v). Let me know if this could be implemented as...

Ran into needing to bruteforce FTP/SFTP with credentials in a CTF. This would be nice, I think only hydra/metasploit/patator can do this. Let me know if this is something that...

For AES Encrypt/Decrypt, I would like to enter a key that is UTF-8 for instance and is shorter than the required key length and it is padded with 0s (NULLs)...


## Description Currently Kali Linux current release has made python 3.10.5 the latest version installed by default with the alias `python3`. Also the latest version is only 7.4.0 of PoshC2...


After receiving a meterpreter shell using the `exploit/multi/handler`, the port remains open within metasploit, however no jobs are active. ## Steps to reproduce How'd you do it? 1. Start a...


## Description: Running SSH in "Wide Compatibility Mode" causes hydra not to error out. This is enabled via `kali-tweaks` -> `Hardening` or adding the following to `/etc/ssh/ssh_config`. The `+` indicates...

help wanted
good first issue