Peng Wang

Results 6 issues of Peng Wang

The social force does not agree with Newton 3rd Law in its mathematical expression. However, the model is widely applied in pedestrian motion. Pedestrian motion definitely is within Newton Laws....

Should unconsciousness be taken into account? This an interesting issue. The unconscious mind of an agent can be considered as a self-replusion. This is in contrast to the replusion from...


What is the proper data input file? This program uses .csv (Comma-Separated Values), and some others use .xml or json. Any suggestions? I choose .csv because it is easy to...

Shall I use Cython to speed up the program? In current test there are only 8 agents and if there are more, the computation slows down. The computation complexity increases...

A problem in current simulation is that an agent may go through the wall if he walk towards the wall too fast. In other words, if an agent's moving speed...


How agents interact with each other is an interesting topic to study. An important issue is whether individual opinions will converge to a common state. In other words, how crowd...