Julian Todd

Results 55 comments of Julian Todd

Doh! I can't even go back and download the last known stable version at: http://micropython.org/resources/firmware/esp32-20170911-v1.9.2-270-g14fb53e0.bin They old versions are all destroyed

Can it always throw an exception rather than give a wrong answer? It's an amazingly difficult thing to debug when sha() gives a wrong answer because you only consider it...

I've checked and it's giving the right answer on the ESP32 (and even makes my websocket work). The second calling to digest() does give a different answer, and the update()...

Is this not very theoretical? I thought OpenXR is going to be the only thing around. Nevertheless I got badly caught out. Maybe a good compromise is to write at...

I've just been getting this to work. You don't get to see the settings in the XRPose node such as action and path unless you look at them in the...

Yes. There's two distinct purposes for this interface. (a) Simulating the VR button interactions to some limited extent from the keyboard to make it easier to debug elements of the...

You're right. I double-checked and I thought I was losing my mind However I can now recreate the problem, which I think is pretty bad and might need to go...

I wouldn't have found it last year when I was looking into this if it was behind a paywall. This link should work. http://www.ijert.org/view-pdf/386/nesting-algorithms-for-placement-of-regular-a-irregular-shaped-parts-a-review I forgot to say that if...

Just because I'd been thinking about this application before this one showed up and made most of my work obsolete. I'm suggesting that as well as isolating the whole polygon...

This could be done by running this function to repeat the contents of multiple width cells into each cell ```Python def FixMultipleCellsHeading(tab): hh = tab.excel_ref("C6:P9").is_not_whitespace() for cc in hh: val...