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feat: refactor idf module, implementing tfidf & bm25 in TagExtracter by strategy pattern
Please provide Issues links to:
- Issues: #181
Provide test code:
I added the stopwords test code in hmm/idf/idf_test.go
err = te.LoadStopWords()
tt.Nil(t, err)
and I had run and passed all test code about stopwords . (including hmm/idf/idf_test.go
and examples/hmm/main.go
1. stopwords
the module of stopwords is a standalone module. it would be better if we extracted stopwords module out of the idf file path.
and then I found the stopwords in TagExtracter
only used in cutting words to ignore stopword.
for _, w := range t.seg.Cut(text, true) {
w = strings.TrimSpace(w)
if utf8.RuneCountInString(w) < 2 {
if t.stopWord.IsStopWord(w) {
if f, ok := freqMap[w]; ok {
freqMap[w] = f + 1.0
} else {
freqMap[w] = 1.0
2. extracker
extract the extracker module so that we we can implementing more relevance algorithm base extracker module.
// TagExtracter is extract tags struct.
type TagExtracter struct {
seg gse.Segmenter
idf *Idf
stopWord *StopWord
// TagExtracter is extract tags struct.
type TagExtracter struct {
seg gse.Segmenter
// calculate weight by Relevance(including IDF,TF-IDF,BM25 and so on)
Relevance relevance.Relevance
3. relevance
refactor the idf module and extract the relevance module by strategy pattern to support more relevance algorithm, such as idf, tfidf, bm25 and so on.
type TagExtracter struct {
seg gse.Segmenter
// calculate weight by Relevance(including IDF,TF-IDF,BM25 and so on)
Relevance relevance.Relevance
type Idf struct {
median float64
freqs []float64
type BM25 struct {
K1 float64
N float64
type Base struct {
// loading some stop words
StopWord *stop_word.StopWord
// loading segmenter for cut word
Seg gse.Segmenter
And then, I'm implementing the Relevance by Strategy Pattern.
such as :
// Relevance easily scalable Relevance calculations (for idf, tf-idf, bm25 and so on)
type Relevance interface {
// AddToken add text, frequency, position on obj
AddToken(text string, freq float64, pos ...string) error
// LoadDict load file from incoming parameters,
// if incoming params no exist, will load file from default file path
LoadDict(files ...string) error
// LoadDictStr loading dict file by file path
LoadDictStr(pathStr string) error
// LoadStopWord loading word file by filename
LoadStopWord(fileName ...string) error
// Freq find the frequency, position, existence information of the key
Freq(key string) (float64, string, bool)
// TotalFreq the total number of tokens in the dictionary
TotalFreq() float64
// FreqMap get frequency map
// key: word, value: frequency
FreqMap(text string) map[string]float64
// ConstructSeg return the segment with weight
ConstructSeg(text string) segment.Segments
default Idf:
func NewIdf() Relevance {
idf := &Idf{
freqs: make([]float64, 0),
idf.StopWord = stop_word.NewStopWord()
return Relevance(idf)
implement the interface function
// AddToken add a new word with IDF into the dictionary.
func (i *Idf) AddToken(text string, freq float64, pos ...string) error {
err := i.Seg.AddToken(text, freq, pos...)
i.freqs = append(i.freqs, freq)
i.median = i.freqs[len(i.freqs)/2]
return err
// LoadDict load the idf dictionary
func (i *Idf) LoadDict(files ...string) error {
if len(files) <= 0 {
files = i.Seg.GetIdfPath(files...)
return i.Seg.LoadDict(files...)
// Freq return the Idf of the word
func (i *Idf) Freq(key string) (float64, string, bool) {
return i.Seg.Find(key)
all this change had ran and passed test code.
Just push the full edition, this small changed not need PR and review.
Just push the full edition, this small changed not need PR and review.
ok, PTAL.
update at 2023-11-17. PTAL @vcaesar
Please provide Issues links to:
I found the origin dict in path data/dict/zh
is not satisfied to calculate tfidf & bm25
the dict only has tf value and position value, but no idf value to calculate tfidf and no origin corpus to calculate average document length.
so I add two new dict files in path data/dict/zh
, and add some information in data/dict/
for the source of dict files.
1. two new dict files
in tf_idf.txt
, the first column of this document is the term , the second is the word frequency of the corresponding term, and the third is the inverse document frequency of the corresponding term, so we can so easy to read tf & idf value from dict
file path if client no input dict file.
in tf_idf_origin.txt
, just the origin corpus text, and we will load it when we new bm25.
2. the detail of tfidf's implemention
2.1 loading tfidf dict file
just like idf, we implementing some interface function by strategy pattern.
for example: the LoadDict function
// LoadDict load dict for TFIDF seg
func (t *TFIDF) LoadDict(files ...string) error {
if len(files) <= 0 {
files = t.Seg.GetTfIdfPath(files...)
dictFiles := make([]*types.LoadDictFile, len(files))
for i, v := range files {
dictFiles[i] = &types.LoadDictFile{
FilePath: v,
FileType: consts.LoadDictTypeTFIDF,
return t.Seg.LoadTFIDFDict(dictFiles)
Differenting from idf , here we defined GetTfIdfPath()
to loading default TFIDF dict path , because the file format is different.
In order to distinguish between different document dict, we define the FileType to restrict some stuff...
const (
// dict file type to loading
// LoadDictTypeIDF dict of IDF to loading
LoadDictTypeIDF = iota + 1
// LoadDictTypeTFIDF dict of TFIDF to loading
// LoadDictTypeBM25 dict of BM25 to loading
// LoadDictTypeWithPos dict of with position to loading
// LoadDictCorpus dict of corpus to loading
is similar with LoadDict
, it just read form different dict path
for i := 0; i < len(dictFiles); i++ {
err := seg.ReadTFIDF(dictFiles[i])
if err != nil {
return err
and ReadTFIDF
is open dict to read
// ReadTFIDF read the dict file
func (seg *Segmenter) ReadTFIDF(file string) error {
if !seg.SkipLog {
log.Printf("Load the gse dictionary: \"%s\" ", file)
dictFile, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not load dictionaries: \"%s\", %v \n", file, err)
return err
defer dictFile.Close()
reader := bufio.NewReader(dictFile)
return seg.ReaderTFIDF(reader, file)
and in ReaderTFIDF
, we just handle idf value like tf value
freq = seg.Size(size, text, freqText)
inverseFreq = seg.Size(size, text, idfText)
if freq == 0.0 || inverseFreq == 0.0 {
// Add participle tokens to the dictionary
words := seg.SplitTextToWords([]byte(text))
token := Token{text: words, freq: freq, inverseFreq: inverseFreq}
2.2 process on tfidf calculation
in the Freq function, we are defined FindTFIDF
to return tf, idf, existence .
// Freq return the TFIDF of the word
func (t *TFIDF) Freq(key string) (float64, interface{}, bool) {
return t.Seg.FindTFIDF(key)
the result why we return interface type is we compatible with idf function. the idf is return position info which is string type... and tfidf & bm25 need idf value which is float64 type...
tfidf calculation process is as follows
// calculateIdf calculate the word's weight by TFIDF
func (t *TFIDF) calculateWeight(term string) float64 {
tf, idf, _ := t.Freq(term)
return tf * idf.(float64)
// ConstructSeg construct segment with weight
func (t *TFIDF) ConstructSeg(text string) segment.Segments {
// make segment list by total freq num
ws := make([]segment.Segment, 0)
for k := range t.FreqMap(text) {
ws = append(ws, segment.Segment{Text: k, Weight: t.calculateWeight(k)})
return ws
2.3 result
in hmm/relevance/tfidf_test.go
// output:
// segments: 5 [{消费者 135.35978394451678} {汽车 132.5431762274668} {消费 99.74972568967256} {增强 96.4479152517576} {下跌 62.99878978351253}]
// results: [{消费 1} {刺激 0.5486451492724487} {下跌 0.4311204839551169} {汽车 0.4095437392771989} {购车 0.4064546007671519}]
that all for TFIDF
3. the detail of BM25's implemention
just like TFIDF, I am not to say the similarities stuff..
3.1 corpus and constant
in process calculate of BM25 , we need to get the document average length, so we have to load corpus.
so we are implemented LoadCorpus
// LoadCorpus for calculate the average length of corpus
func (bm25 *BM25) LoadCorpus(path ...string) (err error) {
averLength, err := bm25.Seg.LoadCorpusAverLen(path...)
if err != nil {
bm25.AverageDocLength = averLength
and the detail how to calculate average length as following
func (seg *Segmenter) ReadCorpus(file string) (corpusAverLen float64, err error) {
if !seg.SkipLog {
log.Printf("Load the gse dictionary: \"%s\" ", file)
var corpusNumber float64 = 0
var corpusLength float64 = 0
dictFile, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not load dictionaries: \"%s\", %v \n", file, err)
defer dictFile.Close()
// new the Scanner to read file content
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(dictFile)
// read file content by line
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
corpusLength += float64(utf8.RuneCountInString(line))
corpusAverLen = corpusLength / corpusNumber
what's more, we will defined K1
and B
if client don't defined this themselves.
in consts/dict_file.go
const (
// BM25DefaultK1 default k1 value for calculate bm25
BM25DefaultK1 = 1.25
// BM25DefaultK1 default B value for calculate bm25
BM25DefaultB = 0.75
3.2 result
in hmm/relevance/bm25_test.go
// output:
// segments: 5 [{想象 13.489829905298084} {活力 12.86320693643856} {充满 12.480977334559475} {这里 9.56153393671824} {历史 8.738605467373437}]
// results: [{积淀 1} {活力 0.7380261680439799} {有 0.6602549059736358} {历史 0.6573229314364966} {想象 0.39804353825110805}]
That's all , thanks for reading and reviewing. first time to submitting such a large pr..
Ok, I will review and test it.
@vcaesar hey, any problem on this pr ? I will fix it if any problem on this pr. 🫡