Guillermo Mazzola

Results 9 comments of Guillermo Mazzola

Same here, is this the expected behavior? Teams are not supported as reviewers?

> I don't think assigning a PR/issue to a team would be possible. You can request a team to review a PR but you cant assign the PR to a...

> @gmazzo Maybe there's a misunderstanding there. > > I completely agree with you when you say: > > > Currently, you can assign a team as a reviewer,... >...

Any plan to address this soon? I has been reported for years now, and it seems to be serious enough for a mature product 🤔 I didn't check the code,...

I got hit by this again: It was making me crazy when I realized by chance that the scan revealed the "confusion". It has been 6 years since this was...

This other plugin does a good job reporting logs from Nexus, printing all validation rules, reasons of failure, etc. May be you can join forces with them too for...

Is there any update on this issue? For us, it seems that it's not picking the `android:theme` value from the manifest and you need to set it manually with a...

If I have to guess, "traditional" JVM mocks (like `mockk`) rely on reflection. Trying to mimic the behavior on each platform ([JS](#100) & [Native](#58)) will be a huge effort and...