Thanks for your answer @smira but the flag "-p" it is for the exposed ports. Isn't it? Instead using --config-patch flag the download seems to be ok. Nevertheless the cluster...
Thanks, one again, @smira . Now it seems fine about the proxy part.
Sorry @smira . Can I ask you if you can figure what is wrong. On the logs I see these evidences: ``` 2022-08-08T14:10:31.449290358Z [talos] 2022/08/08 14:10:31 service[etcd](Failed): Failed to run...
OK @smira but at the end the cluster isn't up. At the end it exit with this message: ``` `waiting for etcd to be healthy: OK ◲ waiting for etcd...
Hi @smira Sorry if I'm giving you a feedback too late. If I try to query that node, as you suggested I receive a connection timed out. What can I...
You're right @smira . Setting the env variable no_proxy I have ``` # talosctl -n etcd members NODE ID HOSTNAME PEER URLS CLIENT URLS LEARNER c3d3020cf75b8728 talos-default-controlplane-1
Hi all. I've modified the talosctl cluster instauction in this way: ``` ... talosctl cluster create --wait --nameservers "X.Y.X.Y" --config-patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/machine/env", "value": {"http_proxy": "http://X.X.X.X:xx", "https_proxy": "https://X.X.X.X:xx", "no_proxy":...
Obviously when I have to use the talosctl command to make some query/command I have to set the environment variable no_proxy. But. Is there a better way to set this...
Yes. You're right @smira I apologize. I was asking it as an advice and not as a support. Thanks. Gabriele
Hi @jacobweinstock . Thanks for giving me support. I'll attach here the logs using a fresh copy of the project. Please tell me if is correct in this way. [d25829fa0d500f5a3165a5ba20b769f02cc6399d16a612d56f0b984c0bfce9bb-json.log](