@mateuspv download the binary blob from here: http://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/117741 then type in terminal: ``` cd ~/Downloads (or whatever your download directory is) chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-381.09.run sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-381.09.run ``` I'm using Antergos...
Have you tried downgrading your drivers to 381 and checked whether this happens or not? Also, post your specs people.
Try removing the cache files (not sure where they are located in MacOS) and scan again.
Yes there might be some optimizations necessary. Until then you should scan by smaller samples and multiple sessions. You could also give https://github.com/qarmin/czkawka a try and see if it works...
Wouldn't it make more sense to set it to `None` instead of `0`? Especially since the type hinting is Optional.
4.1.1 is an outdated version, please try the latest version as this bug should be fixed by now. Edit: on second thought, maybe this wasn't fixed after all. Anyway, need...
Not fixed for me, still very laggy when active.
@romanstingler sorry I cannot test currently as I don't have CS:GO installed anymore. I cannot remove one of my SLI card (I have attempted in the past, but could not...
The cursor went missing right after I purchased a key through the Steam overlay. When the screen went back to unlock the container with that key, the mouse cursor was...
@tillkruss thanks for the hint, it does indeed work around the issue. Just purchased the season pass, the glitch occurred again (mouse cursor missing), but this works for now.