Results 9 issues of Jack He

Hi, I don't know the meaning of the parameter: group. Can you help me? @Zehaos @modanesh

你好,我正确配置了GPU的环境,运行ipython3 8080最后卡住,输出信息如下: Nms engine gpu_nms: ,cython_nms: None ,python_nms: 2019-03-17 15:52:39.285660: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA 2019-03-17 15:52:39.289852:...

Hi, I train this model and I'm trying to convert "east_model_3T736.h5" to .pb file. I run: python3 --input_model="/media/jack/code/clion_kdevelop/OCR/keras_to_tensorflow/east_model_3T256.h5" --output_model="/media/jack/code/clion_kdevelop/OCR/keras_to_tensorflow/east_model__3T736.pb" and get this error: TypeError: ('Keyword argument not understood:', 'interpolation')...

Hi, As I want to call this model with C++, and I tried to convert .h5 file to .pb file. But I get TypeError: ('Keyword argument not understood:', 'interpolation') ....

你好: 我在读advanced_easy.py代码时,发现设置了load_weights = True之后,有这一句east_network.load_weights(cfg.saved_model_weights_file_path)。但是,当我们设置了当前的train_task_id = '3T384'之后,saved_model_weights_file_path就会变成当前east_model_weights_3T384.h5的模型文件,而不是在之前train_task_id = '3T256'保存的模型east_model_weights_3T256.h5的基础上训练。 请问我的理解对吗?它是如何在之前的模型的基础上训练的,怎么加速模型收敛的?

Hi, I run and got this error: int(member[4][0].text), ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'head' How can I solve this error? Can you help me? @experiencor @datitran...

Hi, I'm trying to convert AdvancedEAST model "east_model_3T256.h5" to .pb file and get this error. How can I solve it? Can you help @amir-abdi @anujanegi @AswathKiruba Using TensorFlow backend. Traceback...

Hi, I'm trying to convert my .h5 model to .json file on Ubuntu16.04 with keras==2.2.4 tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0. My .h5 model file can be download here: I get this error: Traceback...

贾志刚老师你好: 请问dnn_tutorial/pedestrian_demo.cpp这个是行人检测的代码吗?我在data/models里边没有找到对应的.pb文件和.pbtxt文件,请问可以提供这两个文件吗,谢谢