Yann Pinczon du Sel
Yann Pinczon du Sel
Sorry for so many pull-requests, I should have done this one at the same time than the double-click signal, but I didn't realized at this time that I would need...
Sounds fine to me. But even if not activated by default, I feel it should be added somehow somewhere so that people don't have to re-code it. What about adding...
Ok, It's agreed that this tool should not be part of the nodz_main. But if put in an alternate repository, it just would be the same as keeping it in...
I'll need that too, so I'll start working on it. Did anyone already started something about it ?
Actually I intend to do it with an integer (rather than a flag) that tells the maximum connections count. I'll do it also for plugs with the same interface. Default...