Nicolas Chaverou
Nicolas Chaverou
In case you have not found the answer (and for future readers who will stumbled upon this thread) _ONNX export from Pytorch is done by tracing the graph; that is,...
Hi guys, Sorry to jump in the discussion. First thanks for, it's been a huge lifesaver here at Golaem !! I've ported all our code to it but there's...
Hey, Ok here's how we hacked the AttributeEditor (can't find who we inspired this first... sorry) In the AEMyNodeTemplate.mel file: ``` global proc AEMyNodeTemplate( string $nodeName ) { ... editorTemplate...
@fredrikaverpil : yep that's what i'm doing right now. The only thing with the `` example is that I need a special branching in my imports to get the pysideuic...
> > > I just saw this. If you're looking for admins, I'd be happy to volunteer. I am a senior data scientist at a non-profit that is building an...