Tim Gleue
Tim Gleue
I changed my `COLMAP.app/Contents/MacOS/colmap_gui.sh` as follows to make 3.6 run on macOS: ``` #!/bin/bash script_path="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$script_path/../Frameworks $script_path/colmap gui ``` But I still get (see #779)...
@tcurdt Yes, definitely just a work-around to make it run. No solution for the underlying problem. Sorry :)
Sorry, no this is currently not supported
Sorry for not responding -- been on vacation. Will be back to my desk on monday ;)
Ok, I had to try hard as in your video, but I could reproduce the crash. I'll have to investigate further, I guess
Could you please test again w/ release 2.1.2?
Fixed another bug regarding interactive transitions in 2.1.3
Are your AutoLayout constraints as well as the VC's ExtendedEdges settings correct?
And did you set the .exposed* properties of TGLStackedViewController?
You could set the top inset of the collection view and place the title in the background.