Glen Tregoning
Glen Tregoning
When we style a button with a corner radius the text within it gets clipped on iOS7.1. This isn't reproducible on iOS8. E.g. my-custom-button { corner-radius: 14px; border-width: 1px; border-color:...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Configure [CKCalendarView firstWeekDay] to be Monday (2) 2. Run Demo app, change to Week view 3. Select the last day of the current week (Sunday) Observed:...
Fixing issue #63 and #64
Compiler warning: CKCalendarView.m:308:16: 'setWeek:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 7.0 - Use setWeekOfMonth: or setWeekOfYear:, depending on which you mean
When I compile for a 64-bit binary I get the following warning Pods/CKCalendar/Source/CKCalendarView.m:81:54: Values of type 'NSInteger' should not be used as format arguments; add an explicit cast to 'long'...
I ran into some problems with an App with spaces in its app name. I have fixed the issue in my workspace through the addition of some quotes around the...