
Results 9 comments of gleniat

I confirm this bug. When two or more variant selection attributes are set in dashboard for a product, frontend shows duplicated and grayed out items in sidebar. User is unable...

Same problem here. I have deployed manually with instructions in docs. Dashboard and backend/playground work fine (both on localhost and Heroku). Storefront: Working only on localhost. **On Heroku: browser shows...

Anyone? I'd like to know this too. I know where it comes from. If you edit a file in an external library `saleor-sdk`, you can get additional data. Go to...

That's why I'd like to know how to override `exports.baseategoryFragment` in the correct way (my question in bold). `categories.js` in saleor-sdk external library looks like this: ```js "use strict"; var...

Hi josegonzalez, Maybe I wasn’t clear enough. So let me try to clarify. I'd like to achieve this: add XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX and YYY.YYY.YYY.YYY IPs to a whitelist. Don't add any auth...

Yes I've tried that, it still shows the http auth dialog for other IP addresses. I'd like to show 404, 403, or 401 right away. Basically I'd like to set...

That would be nice. I've just discovered that I can create a file `/home/dokku/myapp/nginx.conf.d/restrict-ips.conf`, chown it to `dokku:dokku` and insert these two lines in it: ``` allow; deny all;...

I face the same problem on x86. Working well for weeks and suddently it stops submitting new data to influxdb. ``` [INFO][Mon Jan 25 2021 18:13:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)]...

Has there been any progress on this in the past 5 years? The sidebar function has experienced considerable demand, probably ranking as the highest upvoted feature request I've seen so...