Graham Leach-Krouse

Results 19 comments of Graham Leach-Krouse

Calling the following function helps, somewhat: ``` vimL function! GoyoNeovim() let s:guibg = synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID("Normal")), "bg", "gui") execute("hi NonText guifg=" . s:guibg) execute("hi StatusLine guifg=" . s:guibg) execute("hi StatusLineNC guifg=" ....

Thanks! I think some of what you're experiencing is the result of a regression that I seem to have introduced while adding video annotation. With the fix in b28ae272cc069b0408d8cebc0fa7fe39e5236b1b, it...

Tooltip added in 8dbe5f2fd2126a1627845d2e691c140031999e0a

Horizontal bar tabs added in 2c90e706c97a193a7da1a6bffc2b2789704aff29

I'm wondering about doing this with pin drop annotations, #91. The idea would be to have a certain kind of pin for a "theme" that runs through several passages, or...

Temporary fix in place, something more secure will require some breaking changes, so will save for later.

I think we can do a better job of matching the scaleFactor for rendering with `window.devicePixelRatio` together with the zoomfactor. We need to debounce the repaints when zoom changes, and...

- [x] set powerlevels for sending messages in annotation rooms - [x] set powerlevels for annotating resources - [x] set visibility - [x] set join rule - [x] set roles...

Could also use this with permanently hosted PDFs offsite, e.g. at philpapers.