Geert Lucas

Results 4 issues of Geert Lucas

It only shows an id of the search results. this is because the package only look at $title. i can change this to use the column 'name' eg. but that...

When using Money:: with an update on the model while this field is empty it writes a '0' to the column. this while nullable() is chained. I cannot use this...

Please check this. We cant get the errors to go to ray. after changing this in node modules files we got it fixed. I also have updated the readme and...

Argument 2 passed to Spatie\NovaTranslatable\Translatable::Spatie\NovaTranslatable\{closure}() must be an instance of Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model, instance of App\Nova\Templates\Home given Using Spatie\NovaTranslatable.