Please add redirects in IOStreamedResponse for workaround ( Then no breaking changes. With this, we can cast and then get redirect(final) url in specific usecase. There's better than nothing. When...
following might be safer implementation. ```dart jb.UrlRequestCallbackProxy_UrlRequestCallbackInterface _urlRequestCallbacks( BaseRequest request, Completer responseCompleter) { StreamController? responseStream; JByteBuffer? jByteBuffer; var numRedirects = 0; var cancelled; // cancelled = true); //
and Please add widgets equivalent to material InkWell Widget. InkWell widget provides focus visual change and mouse hover effects. Macos UI's ListTile can't get focus. Material's ListTile is built on...
Ok Done. Thx.
In .NET Framework. There is attribute called [SetLastError]( and function called [Marshal.GetLastPInvokeError]( for this purpose. .NET is designed well.
I'm trying CommandBarBuilderItem. It seems good. Thx.
thx. I looked at your code. In sqlite row values In clause, "VALUES" keyword seems required before actual row values. ` WHERE (FieldA, FieldB) IN (VALUES(?,?), (?,?), (?,?) .........(?,?)) `...
can but documentation says > The VACUUM INTO command is transactional in the sense that the generated output database is a consistent snapshot of the original database. However, if the...
Media Foundation document has a page for scrub [How to Perform Scrubbing]( [Seeking, Fast Forward, and Reverse Play]( In this example, seeking requests are queued but source code are complicated...