
Results 13 comments of Glozzy

``` public class SearchListItemModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { [DisplayName(" ")] public bool IsSelected { get; set; } [DisplayName("标题")] public string Title { get; set; } [DisplayName("歌手")] public string Singer { get;...


试过 windows10专业和工作站 21h2 windows11专业 21h2 这几个系统。 软件没有任何错误提示,只是手势没有反应。我向华为官方反应了问题,他们暂时也没有解决方案。

打开鼠标手势的话可以画出单指,但是多指不行。 关闭鼠标手势单指和多指都不行。 这是一个普遍存在matebooke的问题。Gestruesign官方QQ群内的matebooke用户都不能正常使用。

> 鼠标手势动作可以执行吗?多指触屏可以吗(手势轨迹可以画出吗)? > Will mouse gesture's action execute? How about touch screen gesture (are the gesture trails drawed)? 鼠标手势可以。触屏不可以,不能画出轨迹

> 请问目前有解决方案了吗 谢谢 同为mbe2022 没有解决方案

> > > > 因为有稳定程序需要 尝试了一下puppeteer方式登录和获取cookie > > 两点建议 > > > > 1. 希望能和隔壁网易云api一样做成npm依赖直接由nodejs调用和设置代理 > > > > > 但是看了一下实现都是按照app应用路由来写的 不太好改 > > > > > > >...

Can the current linux-surface arch kernel use waydroid? It requires the kernel to include binder.

Actually I don't know much about linux kernel or binder, but I tried running waydroid and it works fine. Thank you for creating this great project.

I had the same problem and there was an extra window around the pin. And the pin no longer remains pinned. Arch+KDE6+Wayland ![image](