Georg Kunz

Results 7 issues of Georg Kunz

As part of the document restructuring, convert the RI2 docs from markdown to rst. See also #2603


There are plenty of broken links in the current implementation documentation. These links should be fixed and linkchecks need to be implemented as verification jobs.


I'd like to propose to evaluate and (selectively) adopt secure software development best practices recommended by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) [1]. The OpenSSF Scorecard project checks various development...

Target: Developer environment

I'd like to propose two additional topic areas which may be good to cover in the OSPO book - either in a separate chapter or as one of the already...


The landing page of the guide should be updated to make it more consumable for readers. Improvements include: - describe the purpose of the guide - describe how to read...

Product: Python Hardening Guide

One objective of the Python guide is to provide executable code examples in separate Python scripts. At the same time, the code examples should also be shown in listings in...

Product: Python Hardening Guide

Using footnotes may be simpler than the current scheme used for references. We may want to check if we want to switch over.

Product: Python Hardening Guide