George K. Thiruvathukal
George K. Thiruvathukal
@editorialbot reject
@Fei-Tao Yes, please proceed to remove the reviewer as suggested by @arfon. Then you can make your recommendation as editor so I can proceed with the final checks.
Hi, this is the new track editor, @gkthiruvathukal checking in. I am working to get this and a growing number of track submissions reviewed. Please do bear with me (and...
@editorialbot commands
@editorialbot invite @jbytecode as editor
Ideally, we want this to be able to support per-project thinking, much like what `.git` accomplishes. This would require various Z tools to check the current directory and parents, ultimately...
Are you thinking something like `--show f1:f2:f3`, e.g. `--show title:summary`?
Specific delimiter to be discussed with @icornelius.
We can work on this, @icornelius! I want to turn the entire suite into an information tool (+ some other ideas related to generative AI). Publishing is a separate step...