
Results 7 comments of gkrawiec

@theblacklion Your example is exactly the reason I was looking for a title bar package. Thanks

this is a good idea, I had to implement similar code with `WidgetBindingObserver ` Its not a perfect solution since it only checks on lifecycle changes and doesnt help when...

This is what I am doing right now for Android to get the answer, but I am new at programming so might not be the most efficient way. ``` AppLocationPermissionLevel...

But according to this I have to make 3 different requests to find the permission that is available. Why not just ask "which location permission is granted"?

Because of the undertermined issue, there are way more options. In my previous comment I put what I was doing to get the result https://github.com/Baseflow/flutter-permission-handler/issues/349#issuecomment-662530239 You should think about adding...

Apps need to behave differently depending on whether they can run in the background or "whileInUse". So I need to run this check every single time. This is fine. I...

Same problem here. I don't have an iOS device, but it definitely does not work in the simulator.