Results 12 comments of Gabe Kopley

+1. Also it may be worth looking at how Timecop handles this and whether Timecop is threadsafe. I like the Timecop API since it lets you run arbitrary code within...

Thanks folks. Is it the case that 1.9.3 still works but 2.0.0 requires these fixes? IE to solve this without losing 1.9.3 support we need either two different sets of...

@porteaux that's a big change that would call for its own AMI.

I think this may be eminently doable, basically add some magic that achieves this behavior automatically: ``` ruby ActiveAdmin.register Foo do permit_params do active_admin_authorization.retrieve_policy(resource_class).permitted_attributes end end ```

Putting aside how the expression feels or sounds, `if not` is a bad idea because it is not logically or structurally equivalent to `unless`, and so you are setting up...

Thanks for looking into this! Checkboxes are important also. When I figure out a longer term solution for my project, I'll share it, but it might be a couple weeks.

I object on the basis of consistency :) Seriously, if we can't get inline errors for all the standard inputs, I'd rather none at all. Let's not deceive people migrating...

I like that idea a lot, very pragmatic.