Gé Koerkamp
Gé Koerkamp
The tick means we do not intend any action (in this case) or it has been fixed, link to a PR is a good suggestion. I'll add it. The webradio...
I agree, that most of the issues seem node.js specific and volumio/Build may not the ideal place to keep this summary. But it is easier for me, to have it...
@rrakso Please do not post Volumio Beta testing issues on github. The correct place for beta reports is [Volumio 3 RC1 Open Beta Testing](https://community.volumio.org/t/volumio-3-rc1-open-beta-testing/50284). Read the Opening Post of that...
Yes, of course that will work, for now.... As long as you realise, that you now have an incompatible Volumio image and will not be able to update. It is...
Sorry, don't want to offend you but I have no time or interest to play around with Berryboot when there is no demand for it (except yours). We do not...
@macmpi I obviously misunderstood and should perhaps choose my words more carefully next time ;) It was not meant as rude as it appears.
Great job Earl :bowing_man: On which board did you test this with, a PI? Also curious if you were able to catch errors and try the emergency shell. I will...
Ok, thought findfs was in as default on arm, but obviously not... Interesting stuff Earl, really keen on trying this out. -- Gé --
Earl: any news on this, did you test initrd? I want to invest time to see if it can be integrated, but need a confirmation that the basics work.
Hi, we are trying to avoid using UUID where we can, but while using device names currently works well on most arm devices, it is different on x86 machines. To...