
Results 25 issues of gkasireddy202

We need new update from react-native-fs library for Android 11. We are unable to create folder in internal storage in Android 11. We are using below versions in my app....

Can i set exported value from true to false in Android manifest file? Is there any chance to crash the app or app is not running when i set exported...

![MicrosoftTeams-image (6)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/90603484/147111765-0335ee3a-a842-414f-bc95-69cf3a431ce9.png) ![MicrosoftTeams-image (5)](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/90603484/147111529-cd757137-e5db-4581-b705-0e086444c656.png) I am having array like [{value:"Apple","desc":'iOS'},{value:"Google","desc":'android'}] I need to show the object of array in first row in dropdown list not remaining rows. When i select...

### Version Tell us which versions you are using: - react-native-image-crop-picker v0.40.0 - react-native v0.68.7 ### Platform Tell us to which platform this issue is related - iOS - Working...

## Description The agenda loader is showing forever and items are not rendered ## Expected Behavior The agenda loader is not showing forever and items are rendered using the onDayPress...

## Description Need to show day month year and format the style of list in Agenda ## Expected Behavior We need to show the day month year on the Agenda...

I have installed the v7.0.0 and getting the below error. react-native-cli: 2.0.1 react-native: 0.68.7 node_modules/react-native-image-picker/android/src/main/java/com/imagepicker/ImagePickerModuleImpl.java:171: error: lambda expressions are not supported in -source 7 executor.submit(() -> { ^ (use -source...

:bug: Bug

Hi, The scrollbar is not showing on iOS real device and the scroll bar is showing on the iOS simulator. import React,{Component} from "react"; import { View } from "react-native";...

### Description Issue with TextInput return type "Done" on iPad using Floating keyboard ### Steps to reproduce 1. Focus on Textinput. 2. Click on the Done button. 3. The login...

Platform: iOS
API: Keyboard
Needs: Triage :mag:
Needs: Repro
Newer Patch Available
Needs: Attention

Attendees are adding to the event for save event. ### Environment System: OS: macOS 14.2.1 CPU: (12) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz Memory: 405.34 MB / 16.00 GB...